Covered California and Your Health Care Tax Credit
Posted: May 7, 2014
Although the Open Enrollment for Covered CA is finished, important details continue to emerge with regard to the tax credits many are receiving. Here is some useful information, and links to important tools to help you understand your obligations under the law. Important Links: IRS Facts About the Premium Tax Credit Covered CA Frequently Asked Questions about Tax Credits U.C. Berkeley Modified Adjusted Gross Income...
Anthem Blue Cross Provider Issues
Posted: March 31, 2014
If you've signed up for a 2014 Individual/Family or Covered California plan with Anthem Blue Cross, your doctor may or may not be contracted with the new network. Anthem has recently been managing changes to their networks. Many doctors were unaware of the contract changes for 2014 and may have unintentionally signed up to participate. Now, they're reviewing their options and many have dropped off...
Covered California Extends Deadline for Enrollment Due to Technical Difficulties
Posted: March 31, 2014
Please read the important message, below. RealCare agents are certified with Covered California and can help you get enrolled. Contact us at (800) 939-8088, Ext. 202. MESSAGE FROM COVERED CALIFORNIA March 31, 2014 Record-setting numbers of people trying to sign up for Covered California™ health insurance plans overwhelmed the system on the final day of open enrollment, prompting the exchange to allow consumers who had...
Individual & Covered CA Health Plan Enrollment Deadlines
Posted: February 15, 2014
4/2/14 - This just in... Covered California has extended the deadline for applications through a Certified Agent or other certified individuals until 4/15/14. See our Covered CA blog post for more info. Some individual health plans have extended their deadlines for enrollment as well. If you haven't applied yet, don't give up! Contact us at (800) 939-8088, Ext. 202. ### If you are still evaluating...
Covered CA Update 1-26-14
Posted: January 26, 2014
Here is an update we sent to our Covered CA clients on 1/26/14. Many of you will find this helpful as several items have come up over the last couple of weeks: 1. Payments: The final dates to make payments for January 1st coverage have changed frequently because health plans were unable to issue billing statements in a timely fashion. The deadlines for January payments have been...